Energy Day News

We would like to congratulate the winners of the 2019 Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP)! These students have worked hard and spent quite a bit of their free time learning STEM concepts and creating projects to engage in and showcase...
Did you know that the Consumer Energy Education Foundation has curated a list of sample STEM-related lesson plans that you can access for free? And the best part? You don’t need to be a teacher to use them! Kids love...
Summer is officially here in the Mile High City and this Thursday you can expect to see all things red, white, and blue. This year, when you’re watching fireworks with your friends and family, you can wow them by explaining...
This summer students can beat the heat with at-home summer STEM activities from the Consumer Energy Education Foundation (CEEF), the nonprofit that hosts Denver’s Energy Day Festival each year. Dedicated to promoting higher education and placing students on the fast...
How do you keep your kids entertained and engaged over the summer with educational activities? This may be an easy task for some, but most parents get a little stressed about the idea of having children around for an extra...
Bella Xu was one of our 2019 EDAP Winners. Bella is finishing her sophomore year at Clements High School in Sugar Land. Her passion for math started when she was in elementary school. Over the years, she has participated in...