5 Energy Savings Hacks for Summer in Colorado

5 Energy Savings Hacks for Summer in Colorado

Image Courtesy of Unsplash. Keep cool and save energy this summer with these curated energy savings tips for living in Colorado. For more information on ways to save, click the links within each section. 1. Open windows at night. The dry climate and higher altitude in...
5 Energy Savings Hacks for Summer in Colorado

Space City Month in Houston

Imagine you were landing on the moon today, fifty years after the original moon landing. What one technology would you take with you?  If you took your mobile device, how would you recharge it?  If you took a TV, how would you stream movies? These are...
5 Energy Savings Hacks for Summer in Colorado

Volunteer For Energy Day Colorado

Are you looking for a way to give back or get involved with the community? Do you have an interest in STEM? We’ve got just the thing for you… Become a volunteer for Energy Day Colorado! We have several volunteer opportunities for the day of the event, including:...
5 Energy Savings Hacks for Summer in Colorado

The Science Behind Fireworks

Image source: Pixaby Summer is officially here in the Mile High City and this Thursday you can expect to see all things red, white, and blue. This year, when you’re watching fireworks with your friends and family, you can wow them by explaining the science...
5 Energy Savings Hacks for Summer in Colorado

Countdown to Energy Day Denver!

Photo By Kathryn Scott/Special to The Denver Post This summer students can beat the heat with at-home summer STEM activities from the Consumer Energy Education Foundation (CEEF), the nonprofit that hosts Denver’s Energy Day Festival each year. Dedicated to promoting...