Indhu Gunda won an award for her entry in the 2017 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing.

Indhu is a dedicated and hardworking high school student who likes to explore challenges. Her favorite part of computer science is developing programs that address complex challenges. She believes that it is important to devise creative solutions to not only solve current problems, but also to address future challenges. Indhu is a proud member of her school’s Science Olympiad team, and she has received national recognition for her achievements on the team.

Indhu enjoys spending her time teaching middle-schoolers how to code. To further help her community, Indhu has run a weeklong robotic arm workshop for middle-schoolers at a nearby university.

In the future, she plans to major in Computer Science or Computer Engineering and get her master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. She would like to work on projects where she can program robots to take the place of humans in hazardous situations such as firefighting and rescuing people from natural disasters.

This past year, Indhu was one of 25 students in the nation selected to participate in the Apple Engineering Technology Camp at Apple headquarters, which is an opportunity to solve an engineering challenge with Apple engineers acting as mentors. This camp allows the students to go through the whole process of product development from idea to production and demonstration.