Jeffrey (Jaewoo) Heo is currently (2016) a junior attending school at Seoul International School, South Korea. He moved from Korea to Singapore, where he lived for a year and attended an international school for the first time in 2nd grade. While living in Singapore became comfortable with the English language.

Although his parents both majored in non-science subjects, he was always fascinated by technological developments; inventions or discoveries that benefitted the well-being of mankind especially appealed to his interests. He is greatly motivated to find a way to replace fossil fuels with solar technology after he took the opportunity to study extensively on solar technology.

Academic Achievements:

Freshman, Sophomore Year High Honor Student

Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference (KAIAC) Science Olympiad Bronze Medalist for Chemistry (2015)

Korea Science and Engineering Fair (KSEF) 2nd Place for Engineering Category (2016)

Princeton University Physics Competition 2016 Honorable Mentions

Google Science Fair 2016 Regional Finalist

ISWEEEP 2016 Gold Medalist at Energy Category, Grand Award Winner at Energy Category