Nanotechnology: What is it Good For

Nanotechnology: What is it Good For

What isn’t nanotechnology good for is more like it. But what is nanotechnology? According to the National Nanotechnology Initiative, nanotechnology “is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100...
Nanotechnology: What is it Good For

How Does a Microwave Work?

Whether you realize it or not, microwave ovens were actually named for the microwaves that they emit to heat foods. Microwaves are located between radio waves and infrared radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves are found at a specific frequency on the...
Nanotechnology: What is it Good For

Low Oil and Gas Prices Offer Teaching Moment

I just filled up my gas guzzling 2003 Suburban today for under $45.00! And while lower prices at the pumps certainly can result in immediate benefits to our bank accounts, what are the farther-reaching ramifications? Like all companies, energy companies are in...
Nanotechnology: What is it Good For

2015 Ecobot Winners

We would like to congratulate the winning teams of the 2015 All-Earth Ecobot Challenge: Lady LABRATS, The Masterbuilders, VOTF, MEA – Voltage, Samurai Cowboys III, Error 404: name not found, MEA – Tesla, PROS, LABRATS Gents, and Chargerz. Photos of some of...