Imagine you were landing on the moon today, fifty years after the original moon landing. What one technology would you take with you?  If you took your mobile device, how would you recharge it?  If you took a TV, how would you stream movies? These are questions scientists at NASA’s Johnson Space Center ask themselves every day- questions that are quite different from the type of research done during the days of the Apollo 11 mission. Perhaps space exploration technology and advancements in research have changed since 1969, but one thing remains the same: all things space exploration are made possible because of STEM!

From the study of rocket design and launching pads to using Pi to explore other planets, NASA scientists and astronauts use STEM knowledge on a daily basis that help them to think outside of the box.

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first human moon landing and continue the tradition of exploring STEM education, Energy Day and the Consumer Energy Education Foundation offers our readers great resources to explore the Apollo 11 mission:

 “We want to motivate young people and improve their understanding of career opportunities in STEM fields,” said Kathleen van Keppel, Energy Day CEO. “By using historical lessons to teach them about the relevance of space today, we encourage them to explore, experiment and engage in the STEM thought process and ignite a spark of interest for a future career.”

Through Energy Day, its year round academic programming, network of educators and $122,000 awarded to date – students, parents and teachers develop an increased understanding of future STEM career possibilities.  Please join us on October 19, 2019 at Sam Houston Park for the largest FREE family STEM event in Houston.